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Random Acts Of Kindness Day

Each year on 17th February, National Random Acts of Kindness Day grows in popularity. It is celebrated by individuals, groups and organisations nationwide to encourage acts of kindness.


The movement of Random Acts of Kindness inspires people every day. As a favourite celebration for many, people everywhere are enjoying doing these acts of kindness. Not only do the acts of kindness bring joy to the receiver, but they spread positive reactions to the giver, too!

Activity Idea

Have a RAKtivist® Challenge

The student who stops to hold the door open for a teacher with their hands full? The student who offers their bus seat to an elderly passenger? Anyone who believes kindness can change our community for the better, and demonstrates kindness with behaviour and generosity as much as with their words—they’re a RAKtivist.
Set up a challenge in your classroom for the week and see just how kind everyone can be.

Talking Points
  • What is digital citizenship and how can it be used to ensure kindness online?

  • What happens when people are kind to each other? How can this make our community stronger, safer, more resilient?

  • Talk about ideas for Random Acts of Kindness and how you can use them in the school community.


There are plenty of tools and ideas to help your students get involved in Random Acts of Kindness Day.  Click below to access them.

Presenting your Aussie of the Month during Random Acts of Kindness Day

To help present the award, you could invite:

  • A local council representative

  • A humanitarian

  • A local Community Citizen of the Year or Australian of the Year

Happy Aussie of the month kids white shirts.jpg
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